The marmalade the world fell in love with

The birth of "Lime & Yuzu Marmalade" began

with a terrorist attack in France.

I know this all of a sudden, but I have a mentor in life whom I call "Sensei".

He went to France with only 40,000 yen in hand to fulfill his dream of becoming a painter, and

while sleeping rough in parks and working as a live-in employee at a restaurant, he managed to achieve his dream.

Then one day, when he returned to Japan, he told me,

"In France today, terrorist attacks are commonplace.

If you go into a crowd, you might die today.

You go out with that in mind."

To be honest, I was shocked.

"Death" is everywhere in our daily lives.

There were so many people in the world who lived side by side with anxiety and fear. I

wonder if I was in Japan and "peace-dazed"... I was

touched by the "hearts" of the athletes

. At the time, at the Olympics held in Rio de Janeiro,

athletes were forming heart marks with their hands to send messages.

"This is it!"

I can't stop terrorism, but I might be able to help people who are anxious.

Let's make a product with wishes for happiness in the heart! I thought to myself, "

If I want to make a heart visible using citrus fruits from Ehime Prefecture...

I thought that marmalade, which uses the peel, would be the perfect choice.

Among the many citrus fruits from Ehime Prefecture,

I decided to use limes, which have a beautiful, vibrant green color, to form a heart.

Challenge to the World Competition

Are you familiar with the "World Dalemain Marmalade Awards & Festival" held in the UK?

This competition is a marmalade competition that was started by the owner of a mansion called Dalemain in the Lake District of England, who

wanted to inherit the traditional British marmalade culture.

Now, it has become a competition that gathers more than 3,000 marmalades from all over the world. In

2017, I was using my knowledge as an aromatherapist

to produce "aroma confiture tea", which combines citrus fruits and herbs.

I decided to challenge the world competition with this product to know the standard of deliciousness.

At that time, the aforementioned terrorist incident and my reunion with the teacher occurred...

I wonder if the people in the UK, where the competition is held, are also worried? I suddenly thought of this,

and just as a jar of support, I made a marmalade with a heart shape made of limes.

This is how the "Lime & Yuzu Marmalade" was born.

The marmalade that the world fell in love with

The results of the marmalade submitted in February will be emailed in March.

I was nervous that the email that was supposed to arrive soon hadn't arrived, but I accidentally deleted another email, so I was looking for it when the

word "Congratulations!" caught my eye.

I thought, "No way!", and when I opened it, it was an email from Dalemain. Of course, it was all in English, so I mistakenly thought it was spam...

Aroma Confiture won a bronze medal,

and to my surprise, the lime & yuzu marmalade won a gold medal.

It was even decided that it would be sold at Fortnum Mason, the department store that is the official supplier to the British royal family.

The marmalade, which I wished happiness for those who bought it,

led me to the original UK.

And then the award ceremony was held at Dalemain.

When I received the award, the judges said,

"I fell in love with this marmalade."

This was the moment the marmalade that the world fell in love with was born.

This "Lime & Yuzu Marmalade" has led to many connections, and

it was also the catalyst for attracting the British Marmalade Awards Japan to Yawatahama City, Ehime Prefecture.

Even now that we have started selling it, we are very happy that so many customers still love it. We hope

that people will continue to feel the momentary happiness of eating marmalade and smile.

Today, we continue to make marmalade with love.

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